Nomad FI Dashboard (JUN24)(YE)
Nomad FI Dashboard (JUN24)(YE)
Notes for JUN24 YE:
Achieved NSR of 112K and NSR 70%. NW at 1.14M
The market is near its 52WH for many of our funds, so we’ve decided to liquidate and allocated the funds to Property as the market interest rate is at 6.79% to-date.
JUN24 doesn’t reflect our adjusted numbers for Prepaid Mort and Accrued for KSuper to prevent skewing our actual numbers
KSuper Accrued = +15K [Salary Sacrifice] from KBonus + SG = 5K = +20K
ESuper Contributions will be deferred to later in the year
As certain funds have been liquidated, we will not be updating our Dividends Dashboard until the the dividend capture periods, or until market correction when we decide to DCA our purchases
Notes for 2025:
Prepaid Mort = 290K / Mortgage Interest Rate = 6.79% / Est Int Savings=19.7K=1.65K/monthly
For Property, set goals for PPM 175K 3Y and PPM 125K 2Y
Goal is for estimated interest charge to be < 8.5K for the year
Repayments remain at 43K / Net Principal est. at +34.5K
Reduced Monthly Contributions from 2.5K-to-2.25K
Adjusted Net Prop = 17.4K for HY [DEC24]
EFI = 172K-40K [PPM]=132K invested
Target EFI MR = 10K / Target EFI DFC = 5K / Target Interest Savings in PPM = 4K
KSuper Salary Sacrifice from KBonus = +15K + KBonus SG = 5K = +20K
Est KSuper SG = +20K
Target Est KSuper = 225K
ESuper = KSuper*60%=150K [110K+3K[SpContr]+10K[MC DEC24]+9K]=132K [Rem JUN25]