Did some research on the PS5Pro and confirmed on a few questions with a rep at EBGames and here’s what I can gather:
PS5Pro is 1.2K
The Disc Drive is separate and costs an additional 180
Since I don’t have the 4x PS5 Games, exchanging for Console alone would only save about (375)
Let’s run some numbers:
Net Console Exchange would only save about (200)
If we calculate the total cost of the PS5Pro, that’s about 1.2K+.18K=1.38K
We don’t have a 4K/8K TV, so even if we get PS5Pro and use the 8K HDMI cables, our TV output def won’t support 4K/8K definition, so don’t think we’ll be able to fully utilize the FPS output
A 4K def TV would cost us about 1K
Based on the released games listing, I might not play any of them:
Fallout? Divinity? Need for Speed?
Sony needs to release the games I prefer to play
PS5Pro includes the Disc Drive with the price closer to 900
Might use CEX Voucher credits instead
Current Credits: 250 (SEP24)
Sell PS5: 450
Buy PS4: (200)
Est. CEX Credits: 250+450-200=500 (DEC24)
Since CEX sells second hand, chances are gamers won’t sell PS5Pro until 1 year later, so estimate by DEC25
Digital downloads means can’t resell the games, so gamers are screwed when they resell their consoles. Supply and Demand for these PS5Pro consoles+disc drives would be interesting.