Nomad FI Dashboard (APR24)
Made a lot of adjustments to fit our needs, but looks pretty damn awesome!
Needs some more tweaking on the graphs as we’ve replaced Expenses with Savings as our Net Savings and Rate % will be our focus, as well as our Net Worth all on the Dashboard.
I’ll update for MAY24 once finalized and I’ll be creating a JUN24 Preliminary.
Note for V1:
Added A% to Allocations
Need to update and replace Running FI% (Graph)
Need to update and replace Net Income vs Expenses (Graph)
Need to update and replace Savings Rate (Graph)
Note for V2:
Removed all FI charts / graphs in Center Pane and labels on Left Pane
Added FUND / APP / CP / EFI in Center Pane
Added EFI / EK SUPER / $ in Bottom Left Center Pane
Added Fund / CurrPeriod / PriorPeriod Bottom Right Center Pane
Note for V3:
Removed Left Pane tables
Removed rows upto 500K NW
Shortened Asset Allocation Graph to left by 1 Column
Added EK SUPER to right
Added % to right of $
Added VAR $ and A%
Left Pane: Added Tar $ for EFI / EK SUPER for Fund based on Period
Duplicated CASH and INV BAL from Center table
Note for V4:
Moved Net Worth Goal / Investment Goals graphs to Bottom Right Pane [Kept Sparklines]
Removed NW under 500K
Renamed Labels as needed
Added Progress % for EFI / EK SUPER [No Conditional Formatting / No Sparklines] on Left Center Pane replacing NW/Inv Goals tables
Note for V5:
Updated Subtotals on Headings
Added NW (excl) Prop as trendline in table and updated NW Combo Chart
Updated Metrics with the following:
i) NS / Gr % = Net Savings / Growth @ 10% of NW = To determine if Net Savings covers 50% of the Growth of our Net Worth. Target for NS / Gr % is 50%, and the Growth we’re setting is at 10%. Once our Net Savings coverage is < 50%, we may decide to either fully allocate our Net Savings to pay off our Property or to stop altogether as we can pursue Coast FI from our NW Growth.
ii) NI / NW % = Net Income / Net Worth = Our target of NI / NW is 10%. As our NW continues to accumulate, eventually our NI / NW will be < 10%. Once that happens, we’ll then determine if we should pursue Coast FI then.
iii) NS / NW% = Net Savings / Net Worth = Our target of NS / NW is 7.5%. As our NW continues to accumulate, eventually our NS / NW will be < 7.5%. Once that happens, we may decide to either fully allocate our Net Savings to pay off our Property or to stop altogether as we can pursue Coast FI from our NW Growth. If both NS / Gr % and NS / NW % are below our targets, then we’ll push to pay off our Property (or Properties), and then consider pursuing Coast FI.
To Consider for next version (Starting JUL24):
Add trendlines on Dashboard [Determine CP by Fund and/or TMV]
Add Data Validation on Periods and Funds when Filtering [on highlighted cells]
Consider updating/revising Net Worth table in Center Pane with side-by-side graphs [need to replace FY with HY periods]