Increase in Net Equity (Target and Offsets)

Increase in Net Equity (Target and Offsets)

Incr in Net Equity by Asset (MAR24)

Date: 3-APR-24 (For Reference)

This will be one of the few threads I’ll be typing out what I wrote for the week. The purpose is so that I can use this thread as reference as we’re near JUN24. If I decide to make any edits, will be added to include additional notes.

Based on our assessment, EFI is currently being offset by the Prepaid Mortgage of 100K. This is mainly because the Mortgage Interest Rate is 6.79%, and that the ASX is currently still trading near its highs. There has been some volatility for the mining stocks, but the banks not so much. We’ll start DCA first batch prior to ex-dividends in May, and will again ease in for the next DCA after ex-dividends as the prices will drop. Our target for ETFs is about 100K-to-150K, with about 4 ETFs, so about 40K each. DCA at 10K for initial buys pre ex-dividends. We have about 20K shortfall, so we’ll offset using ING Offset first, or DCA at smaller intervals, and will transfer 12.5K USD, or about 19K. We have about 60K AUD of US Inv at 40K USD, so will be in 3 batches, starting April. We also need to finish our US taxes and make the final deposit, so I’ll do 14K USD and keep 1.5K USD in Chase.

EFI is currently around 100K, and needs to be closer to 150K-to-200K, so will offset our US Investments of 60K AUD. Surprisingly, US Investments allocation is now under 7.5%. Target NE at 1.1M by JUN24, and at 10% would be 110K. 110K-60K=50K AUD shortfall. Since S&P still hasn’t dropped yet, we’re liquidating this year. No holdings, but will monitor and update the Watch List. As for Currencies, I’ll need to revisit this to see if it still applies. Going to guess 2K for Mortgage and Chase deposit. Both will be scrapped. WE don’t use AMEX anymore, and the Mortgage is in the ING Offset Acct.

EK Super balance is at 4x compared to JUN20 at 272K and about 25% of NE. Core 4 will be EFI, EK Super, Property, and ING Offset+Prepaid Mort. EFI balance should be higher than ING Offset, or close to, by JUN24. ING Offset pays 7.5K to Prepaid Mortgage, to 115K. EFI: 175K, EK Super: 275K, ING Offset: 150K, Property: 300K.


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