Fund Symbol for Dividends and FC with DCA Qty Purchases (WBC)(ChatGPT)
Fund Symbol for Dividends and FC with DCA Qty Purchases (WBC)(ChatGPT)
Based on ChatGPT results, the dividends calculations and franking credits results are inaccurate. Although the DPS is at 1.42 (based on MAY23 and NOV23), that’s annualized. However, ChatGPT is paying out the DPS every half a year. Therefore, I would need to update the criteria to state that the DPS is actually .70 for June and .72 for December, instead of stating the whole DPS at 1.42, which ChatGPT thinks its paid every half a year.
As for Franking Credits, ChatGPT is calculating franking credits using the formula dividends * 30%. The standard calculation for franking credit is Franking credit = (dividend amount / (1-company tax rate)) - dividend amount. So based on the June 2025 dividends of 1512.30 (Qty 1065 * DPS 1.42), ChatGPT calculated franking credits of 453.69 (dividends * 30%). Instead, using the standard calculation, it should be (1512.30 / (1-30%)) - 1512.30 = 1512.30/70% - 1512.30 = 2160.43-1512.30=648.13.
I’ll create a version 2 with the updated DPS criteria. I might consider adding the standard calculation for franking credits as the criteria as well and backtest both.