EK Retirement Targets
// Calculate PV and FV //
Own Home
Investments: 1M (incl Home)
Age: 40
Fully paid off home mortgage
Invest 50% DRPs/50% withdrawals
Work part time at Age 50 w/ Coast FI
Or Relocate and Geoarbitrage
Age 60 TRP Plan
Inflation Rate: 3.5%
Target Market Return: 7%
40K in living costs (in today’s dollars)
Rule of 72: 72/3.5% = 20 years = 80K
// Calculations //
PV: 1M
Rate: 7%
/ Years: 20 / Calc FV: 4M
/ Years: 25 / Calc FV: 5.7M
PV: 1.5M
Rate: 7%
/ Years: 15 / Calc FV: 4.3M
/ Years: 20 / Calc FV: 6M
// Did not factor in //
US Social Security-entitled 40 work credit
K Annually: 25K USD
E Annually: 25K USD