EK AU Inv Summary (APR23)

EK AU Inv Summary (APR23)

Finally updated our AU Investment Summary for APR23. Used the take 2 steps forward, one step back approach when creating this summary report last month, and made a few tweaks for this month’s report. MAR23 version was our initial report, but this month we focused on automating the report as well as updating our financials that we can better utilize when performing our analysis. Instead of using the MTD approach, we’ve decided to use the FY approach. This gives us a better idea in terms of where we stand when calculating our Equity %. We’ve also included % as part of our metrics so that our financials become more transparent when analysing. Ok, let’s start analysing our financials.

We’ve already reached our Target Equity of 10% for the year, as we’re estimating at 12% to-date. That doesn’t mean we plan to slack off. That only means we’re increasing our wealth based on the current market conditions. Given that the interest rates are at 6%, increased cost of living standards, and that the A200 and S&P 500 are trading relatively flat for the year so far, we’re in a good place.

As for the allocations go, estimating at 43% Property+ING Offset, 10% US Inv+Currencies, 26% EK Superannuation, and 22% AU Equities, this requires more tweaking. Our 2-Year Fixed-to-Variable is around SEP23, 43% allocation is still a bit high. We’ll reduce it to about 30%-to-35%. ING Offset is at 150K. We can consider reallocating 75K from Property-to-AU Inv/US Inv. We’ve reduced our Currencies primarily due to higher SGD and USD FX rates. US Inv is around 73K, so not much change vs JUN22. We can bump that up by another 5%, or 40K. Since USD rate is still high, we’ll consider DCA our Buys. 75K-40K=35K will be invested in AU Inv. Since we still have 73K cash available in our AU Inv, we’ll move the funds over to our Macquarie Savings as its APR is about 4%.

We still have about 2 more DCA Buys before JUN23, 11-MAY and 26-MAY, total of 60K between AU ETFs and Income Funds. Goal is 9% Dividend Yield in each. So a 200K Portfolio can target 18K in Dividends of Passive Income.

In MAY23, we’ll do a final revision of our EK Super Analysis to determine what our target dividends is based on our investments. Goal is to minimize the trading activity, focus on DRPs, and maximize the DFCs utilizing dividend imputation.


Future Plans for our Home


EK Super Ex-Div Dates (22-APR-23)