Dividends FI Dashboard
Nomad FI Dashboard-V6 [Syncing Report for MAY24]
Syncing FI Dashboards [For Automation][Work in Progress]
Add VAPP % (with Conditional Formatting)
Set Allocation < 10 rows (eg Truncate Income Funds)
Exclude Cash, Cash Inv, Balanced (Trendline)
Include Cash Tr in Allocation + A%
Prelim Dates:
29-MAY-24 (Wed) - V1 [Prelim][COMPLETE]
1-JUN-24 (Sat) - V2 [Update Sync]
2-JUN-24 (Sun) - V3 [Final MAY24 Version]
5-JUN-24 (Wed) - [Test JUN24 Automation]
8-JUN-24 (Sat) - [Finalize JUN24 Automation]
Notes for Automation: [See Syncing FI Dashboards for reference]
Sync same details between Nomad and Divs FI [Remove APPCPTMV Tab. Added: EFI Tar and EKSuper Tar Columns]
2 Active Tabs: EFI+EKSuper and Divs for Dividends FI Dashboard [Removed the rest]
Update formulas in source data spreadsheet in Live file
Consolidate to one table in source data in FI Dashboard
Automate MAY24, reference APR24
Prepare for JUN24 Automation in both Nomad and Divs FI Dashboards