Chinese New Year and Reflection

Happy Chinese New Year!

I feel like posting today on my reflections as it’s Chinese New Year. I’ll focus on discussing about our relationships and non-financials.

Although I’m a kid at heart as I still enjoy playing my videogames. I don’t drink. I don’t take drugs. I don’t gamble. I don’t hangout and stay out late. Playing videogames is my outlet, but at the same time, it’s my way of spending time with Brandon. Father and son bonding time. As much as he enjoys playing driving games, kid’s pretty good with RPGs as well. He’s good with his controller mechanics, as well as his navigation. He’s still not there yet with solving puzzles, but quite good with battle challenges vs bosses. As far as his education goes, I’m supporting him focusing on his English and Math skills. Using AI to generate Year 5 Math problems is quite something. He’s quite good with typing/keyboarding as well. Swimming, slowly progressing. You can do it buddy.

As for Kathy, love her very much. Will continue to support her career on corporate politics. We’re now at the point where Brandon’s getting older and getting ready for high school soon, so setting our priorities will be our main focus. The main question comes down to will be if zoning for Brandon’s high school should be considered a priority? That would require for us to either purchase another property, or to rent for a few years during his high school years. Property investing by choice at our own time is different than being pressured based on external factors. Are we ready?

I have the Type A personality, and Kathy’s Type B. She makes the income, and I build the wealth. Our responsibilities complement each other so we’re focusing on pursuing FI. However, I have to find the right balance not to ask her for guidance (Type B), and at the same time trust my insights, decisions, and follow through on actions (Type A). She also doesn’t like debt, or talking about debt, so property investing will still be a challenge as we progress further. This might have something to do with the psyche. Her money scripts are vastly different than mine. My strong self awareness allowed for me to rewrite my money scripts over time. However, I don’t feel that it’s in my place to rewrite hers. Divorces happen when there’s a shift of balance within the marriage, so I have to ensure we understand our boundaries and not to over step that invisible fine-line. End of day, she trusts me, so my intentions must be genuine going forward.

Outside of our nuclear family, I trust Kathy and I to continue to keep our relationships solid and healthy.

I’ll continue to do my best as always. Pray for the best, expect the worst.




Kathy ADP YTD Analysis-FY2025 (JAN25)