CBA-Macq Sav on EK Portfolio Analysis (JUN25)
We’ve adjusted for KD/KMA in EK Portfolio Analysis to prevent the double counting of KD/KMA in our Net Equity as the funds were included in ING Offset.
Effective JUL24, we’ve started to transfer 2K/month from ING Offset-to-CBA/Macq of 1K each. Since KD/KMA remained the same balance, the decrease in the ING Offset increased CBA/Macq. We haven’t included CBA/Macq in our EK Portfolio Analysis, therefore, understating our Net Equity. We won’t be restating our financials, but will reflect in JUN25 of the total balance.
For KFI-BInvT, we’ve started to transfer 3K/monthly from ING Offset-to-CBA/Macq of 1.5K each effective JAN25. By JUN25, will be 3Kx6=18K.
In Summary, CBA/Macq should have the following reconciled balances by JUN25:
CBA: 31K (KD/KMA) / CBA: 9K (KFI-BInvT) = 40K
Macq: 31K (KD/KMA) / Macq: 9K (KFI-BInvT) = 40K
Since KD/KMA will have fully allocated to CBA/Macq by JUN25, we’ll add 2K/monthly to the KFI-BInvT monthly transfers totaling to 5K/monthly effective JUL25. We’ll continue to offset this with the Monthly Contributions from KSalary and EFI-Holding. By DEC25, will be 5K*6=30K.
JUN25 / ING-Offset / KFI-BInvT: 44.25K
JUN25 / CBA/Macq / KFI-BInvT: 18K
DEC25 / ING-Offset / KFI-BInvT: 14.25K
DEC25 / CBA/Macq / KFI-BInvT: 48K
We haven’t included KFI-BInvT interest yet payable on JUN25, but we’re calculating at MR% of 6% of 62.25K = 3.75K. So will true-up 3.75K to the JUN25 ending balance.