DPS within range of .26
Share Performance is down even though NTA is up
NTA is at 7.88 (trading at a discount based on share price)
Top 5 Sectors: Banks 20.8%, Materials: 14.3%, Healthcare: 13.2%, Industrials: 10.8%, Other Financials: 9.2%
Top 5 Companies Holdings: CBA, BHP, CSL, MQG, NAB
Additional Notes:
Trading at a discount possibly due to opportunity cost with Banks
No change to DPS, so remains within 3.5% DY, or 5% DFC
Will consider buying up AFIC once Banks trade lower by 10%
The NTA will drop once Banks trade lower by 10%
Target NTA to be 7.5 by JUN25
Target Share Price to be at 7.25 range