YoY Equity % Increase Target

EK Portfolio Analysis (MAR25)(Prelim)

I've decided to remove CBA/Macq Sav in the EK Portfolio Analysis. If we include it, we would be double counting KFI-BInvT monthly transfers that we started in JAN25. Since the ING Offset/PPM only reports PPM effective DEC24, that removes KD/KMA balance.

There are many variables in this report, so effective JUL25, I'll consider the following:
- Remove Currencies and add remaining balances to AU Equities (currently LtF)
- Remove KFI-BInvT (include only in EK Portfolio)

In the EK Portfolio, I'll also consider the following:
- Combine KFI-BInvT and KD/KMA. Both balances will be 65K each in JUN25. This would have included the paid interest from us for the year. Total balance of 130K.

We average 13%-to-15% YoY Equity % Increase, or about 140K+ annually.

-> Our Net Savings Rate % is about 65%, or about 90K from your Net Salary, including KSuper.
—> 50K/140K=36%. 90K/140K=64%.

-> Goal is to have YoY Equity % Increase of 10% excluding Net Savings, so
we're about half way there.
—> Growth is about 50K, so 50K/90K=55%.


Suburb Profile Stats


Personal Development/Goals